Next, we are going to see the how I tried using simply spread

First, I charged the two libraries that I will be using

Next, I maked a summary to see the conataminants.

In this image I was trying to use simply spread, but it didin't work

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread and also using stcoksm

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread

More attempts using simply spread

In this image we can see how I solved this problem using pivot_wider, that it's like a spread but using a diferent function. So we can see properly the contaminants in order and in a table.

Here we can se all the contaminats in order

Here, I tried another library called nortest, because openair wasn't working

Here a tried some graphics like boxplot or plot, and luckily plot worked

In this graphic we could see the % of Pollution of every contaminant in L'Eixample of Barcelona

More tries of Boxplot

Here I show that library opernair wasn't working properly

Here I try another library called ggplot, and suddently it worked

Tryes with qplot

And here is the graphic, that show the level of pollution of every contaminant

Here I tried another time openair, but also wasn't working.

Tryes with openair

Here are some graphics about the work we had to do for 20th April

So that's my R project, I have some issiues with the libraries because the most part weren't working properly, so I have to search for my own

I Hope you liked my project