To learn by doing examples included in the arduino software under the tab file/examples
To understand Arduino codes from other sources, e.g. Dr.Simon Monk book and github code resources
To create new codes from examples and starting from scratch
To understand the types of variables in Arduino: int(integers numbers), float(floating point numbers),long(long numbers), double(very long numbers), char(characters), String(words), byte(very small numbers), etc
To expand the possibilities of Arduino software by using the Processing software
To expand even more the creativity using Arduino with examples from specific libraries of Processing: nyar4psg for augmented reality, BlobDetection and openCV both for computer vision
To use a different approach to Arduino by using not the previous Java type libraries of Processing but instead using JavaScript, namely: ml5.js, express.js, node.js, johnny5.js,firmata, etc
To create innovative projects using all the previous knowledge